Richard Price ROI British, 1962-2018

Wonderful portrayal of both light and atmosphere in his oil paintings

Richard Price was a member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and also exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Show, Royal College of Arts, NEAC, ROI, RSMA and RWA annual opens.

Artist’s statement: "I am interested in the application of paint in order to create different effects and images that are not just mere representations of the world about us, but works of art and beauty in and of themselves. It doesn’t matter to me what techniques and ideas I explore as long as they are suited and appropriate to match the subject and my senses and perception of it. I use my mind to develop ideas but work from my heart as much as I can. It is that, I believe, is what touched others".

Selected Exhibitions
2018  Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition
2015  Richard Price ROI ‘With Light’, Gallery 41, Corfe Castle, Dorset
2016  Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition
2014  Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition